martes, 19 de junio de 2018

(A Great Country)


Welcome to our Blog, here we are going to show you how beautiful our country is, a country to love, to visit, to live.
To begin we present our national symbols, which identify us before other countries and represent our identity
Imagen relacionada

Coat of arms


Resultado de imagen para himno nacional de venezuela
National flag



National anthem


                                                 Glory to the brave people

                                                 that the yoke cast,

                                                  the law respecting

                                                  virtue and honor.


Down chains!

shouted the gentleman

and the poor man in his hut

Freedom asked,

To this holy name

he trembled with dread

the vile selfishness

that again triumph.


                                                        Let's shout with brio:

                                                          Die oppression!

                                                          Faithful compatriots

                                                         Strength is the union

                                                          and from the Empyrean

                                                          the Supreme Author

                                                           a sublime breath

                                                           to the infundio people.


                United with ties

                that the sky shaped

                America all

                it exists in Nation;

                and if despotism

                raise your voice,

                follow the example

                that Caracas gave     

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